Event Date : 08 Jan 2019 | Tue | Time : 09.00 AM to 06.00 PM
Accelerator solutions built with strong partnerships, cutting edge technologies backed by 2 decades of domain knowledge
Quest, a pioneering service provider focused on delivering a comprehensive set of product engineering and digital transformation solutions for the Hi-Tech and Automotive industries. We have been working with the world’s most recognized Fortune 500 companies in semiconductor, consumer electronics, computing/communications and storage, software and Internet, and automotive sectors. Leveraging pervasive technologies like AR/VR, AI, machine learning, deep learning, block chain and emerging manufacturing 4.0 technologies, we have empowered our esteemed clients to optimize business efficiency, sharpen competitive edge, and boost profitability. Our trusted partnerships with industry leaders such as Microsoft, XILINX, Nvidia, Intel, TI and NXP have helped our clients benchmark their offerings effectively.
At CES 2019, we showcased our offerings in sync with our commitment towards the vision of connected living, and other pressing consumer demands in areas of safety, comfort and enhanced user experience.
Robots can be designed and used for multiple purposes ranging from industrial robots, manufacturing robots, chatbots and humanoid robots. Till…
More than 80% of business leaders responding to a Gartner survey expect their company to become a digital enterprise by…
The asset tracking IoT device market will triple — from 22 million to 70 million devices — by 2022.
I’m very pleased with Quest team. You guys are doing good work, always with good quality.
Quest has been actively supporting multiple lines of our software products in component, wafer and photovoltaic inspection business units. Their capabilities in vision application design and development, image processing and test automation are top class.
Quest has been actively supporting multiple lines of our software products in component, wafer and photovoltaic inspection business units. Their capabilities in vision application design and development, image processing and test automation are top class.
We have been working with Quest to develop a Global Development Center to support several of our operating companies in the area of new product development, legacy product sustenance, manufacturing engineering and sourcing support. Quest helped us expand our Indian manufacturing sourcing five-fold in the last year and we expect to expand our partnership.