Quest Global, a leading global engineering solutions provider, has been named as one of the finalists, and Ruban d’Honneur recipients, in the 2016/17 European Business Awards in category ELITE Award for Growth Strategy of the Year. Quest Global is one of the 110 finalists announced after evaluating over 33,000 businesses in Europe. The finalists were chosen by a panel of independent judges based on the core values of innovation, ethics and success.
The European Business Awards was set up to support the development of a stronger and more successful business community throughout Europe. The final winners in each of the 11 categories will be announced at the Gala Final on May 4, 2017 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Quest Global also took part in The Public Vote, where the public will choose the ‘National Public Champions’ for each country.
Adrian Tripp, CEO of the European Business Awards said: “To survive in this economic climate is hard enough, so to innovate, prosper and grow as this year’s Ruban D’Honneur recipients have is truly remarkable. Europe needs more companies like these. Well done to them all.”
The Judging Panel
An elite panel of judges including leading business figures, academicians, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and political leaders preside over the judging process. The judging panel for the previous edition of EBA were:
About Quest Global
Quest Global is a global engineering solutions provider with a proven track record of 20 years serving the product development & production engineering needs of high technology companies. A pioneer in global engineering services, Quest is a trusted, strategic and long term partner for many Fortune 500 companies in the Aerospace & Defence, Aero Engines, Industrial & Hi Tech, Medical Devices, Oil & Gas, Power and Transportation industriesThe company offers mechanical, electrical, electronics, embedded, engineering software, engineering analytics, manufacturing engineering and supply chain transformative solutions across the complete engineering lifecycle.
Quest partners with customers to continuously create value through customer-centric culture, continuous improvement mind-set, as well as domain specific engineering capability. Through its local-global model, Quest provides maximum value engineering interactions locally, along with high quality deliveries at optimal cost from global locations. The company comprises of ∼8000 passionate engineers operating out of ten different countries intent on making a positive impact to the business of world class customers, transforming the way they do engineering.
Gerhard Elfinger, Delivery Head Germany & Andrew Lewis – Vice President & Head of Europe Delivery at the EBA Awards 2016/17 Gala Event held in Dubrovnik, Croatia
Suntem Quest Global, activăm în domeniul ingineriei, dar ceea ce construim cu adevărat este un viitor mai luminos. Nu doar ceea ce facem, ci și motivul pentru care o facem ne face diferiți. Credem că ingineria are oportunitatea unică de a rezolva problemele de astăzi care stau în calea zilei de mâine. Timp de 25 de ani, ne-am străduit să fim cel mai de încredere partener pentru cele mai dificile probleme de inginerie din lume. Suntem organizație globală cu sediul în Singapore, ne desfășurăm acivitatea în 18 țări, cu 78 de centre globale de livrare, conduse de peste 20.000 de angajați extraordinari care fac imposibilul posibil în fiecare zi.
Quest Global aduce cunoștințe aprofundate în industrie și expertiza digitală pentru a oferi servicii globale de inginerie de produs E2E. Adunăm tehnologii și industrii împreună cu contribuțiile diverselor persoane și domeniile lor de expertiză pentru a rezolva problemele mai bine, mai rapid. Această abordare multidimensională ne permite să rezolvăm cele mai importante provocări din industria aerospațială, de apărare, auto, energie, hi-Tech, asistență medicală, dispozitive medicale, feroviar și semiconductore.
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